Tom “Flea” Erickson

Tom “Flea” Erickson
In high school I could only volunteer in the spring but it was enough to inspire me to teach as a career. Soon, I was taking classes to ODS as a 6th grade teacher from Dexter McCarty. I believe I took 16 or 17 classes as a teacher. I’ve loved my time with the program. I owe it everything.
— Tom Erickson

I attended ODS as a sixth grader in 1981 at Camp Colton. I still remember my favorite councilor's names. Stilt, Shroom and Bubba Boo. In high school I could only volunteer in the spring but it was enough to inspire me to teach as a career. I was known as “Flea” at Eagle Fern in the late 80's and kept that name as a Program Leader at Trout Creek where I worked three sessions. Soon, I was taking classes to ODS as a 6th grade teacher from Dexter McCarty. I believe I took 16 or 17 classes as a teacher. I've loved my time with the program. I owe it everything.