Hadley "Hadz" S.
one of the greatest connections I had ever had with school peers
— Hadley S.

One night at Outdoor school me and all the other girls in my cabin were in our bunks trying sleep. We had realized that none of us had ever been away from home this long and we all couldn't seem to be able to sleep. Most of us in the cabin didn't know each other quite well yet, but were beginning to grow stronger friendships as the days went by. Me and another girl in the cabin thought it would be a good idea to sing some songs we heard at the campfire just that night. We tried to make everyone feel more relaxed and comfortable in our growing environment. Everyone took their turn just singing. Some girls began to fall asleep one by one listening to the voices of our new friends drift us into a calm night.

Soon after the songs, only a few girls were still awake. My close friend who had a lovely reading voice began to read her favorite book to us. We slowly turned our heads and listened to the waves on the beach (our Outdoor School was located on the coast) and dreamed of the fairies that came to life through her book.

That was one of the greatest connections I had ever had with school peers.